SimpleSteer version 0.6 released

I released SimpleSteer yesterday. It’s version number should probably be closer to 1.0, but I’ll stick with it for now. The code is fairly well commented imo. It also has the first piece of documentation and an example project released. I’ll be updating these as soon as possible, but it’s probably enough to get started. I hope some people will give it a try and that it will be improved by their feedback. I’m kind of proud of it.

Have a nice day!

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One response to “SimpleSteer version 0.6 released”

  1. onetinyleap says :

    In the first upload the ArrayTool script was not bundeled and the using Pathfinding statement was not removed from the AIMotor script (AIMotor does not initiate pathfinding any more). This resulted in two error messages and both have been fixed in the currently available version.

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